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Cut the Cable Cord
2025-03-18 10:30:002025-03-18 12:00:00America/ChicagoCut the Cable CordTired of paying an overpriced bill? Learn about how you might be able the “cut the cable cord” in favor of popular streaming subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu and more.Main Library - Computer Training Room
Tuesday, March 18 10:30am - 12:00pm
Add to Calendar2025-03-18 10:30:002025-03-18 12:00:00America/ChicagoCut the Cable CordTired of paying an overpriced bill? Learn about how you might be able the “cut the cable cord” in favor of popular streaming subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu and more.Main Library - Computer Training Room
Tired of paying an overpriced bill? Learn about how you might be able the “cut the cable cord” in favor of popular streaming subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu and more.
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Learn about the basic features and functions of your smartphone’s camera and editing features. Android and iPhone welcome. Must bring your own device. Sponsored by Comcast.
The Contemporary Book Group meets monthly to discuss current, interesting books in assorted genres. Meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Grove Room at the Main Library.
Tired of paying an overpriced bill? Learn about how you might be able the “cut the cable cord” in favor of popular streaming subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu and more.
Participantes de nivel intermedio, practican conversaciones en inglés, adquieren confianza y mejoran su pronunciación. El grupo es liderado por un tutor de Literacy Connection.
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