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Semi-Annual Foundation Book Sale
2025-03-20 09:00:002025-03-20 20:00:00America/ChicagoSemi-Annual Foundation Book SaleThousands of books and media for adults and children for sale at the annual Library Foundation Book Sale - proceeds help support programs and events at the library! Main Library - Meadows Community Rooms ABC
Thursday, March 20 9:00am - 8:00pm
Add to Calendar2025-03-20 09:00:002025-03-20 20:00:00America/ChicagoSemi-Annual Foundation Book SaleThousands of books and media for adults and children for sale at the annual Library Foundation Book Sale - proceeds help support programs and events at the library! Main Library - Meadows Community Rooms ABC
Thousands of books and media for adults and children for sale at the annual Library Foundation Book Sale - proceeds help support programs and events at the library!
Thousands of books and media for adults and children for sale at the annual Library Foundation Book Sale - proceeds help support programs and events at the library!
Aprende en la biblioteca. Participa con otras personas que hablan español o inglés como primer idioma. Learn at the Library with native English and Spanish speakers.
Breathe new life into your old laptop by learning how to convert it into a Chromebook. Must bring a USB drive (8GB minimum) and your own backed-up laptop.
Thousands of books and media for adults and children for sale at the annual Library Foundation Book Sale - proceeds help support programs and events at the library!
Get help with common tech issues like Microsoft Office, using a tablet, hotspots, syncing email with your phone, downloading content, and more. Drop in for personalized assistance at your library.
This program is a presentation of women who have made significant contributions to either the performance, composition, or inspiration of American song.